Research & Publictions
A research initiative that focuses on improving the way freight transportation is designed, procured, and managed. His primary research is in all aspects of freight transportation to include combinatorial procurement auctions, robust planning, portfolio management, performance metrics, and infrastructure design.
Future Freight Flows
The future rarely moves in predictable, incremental ways. Often seemingly small changes in technology, demographics, regulations, economics, or a myriad of other factors have dramatic and unintended impacts on how companies source, manufacture, distribute and operate in general. These non-linear impacts are very difficult to predict using traditional forecasting methods and techniques since they, by definition, do not follow any historical patterns. The Future Freight Flows (FFF) initiative provides planners and decision makers at all levels with a better method of strategic planning for future investments.
SCM Masters Theses
Every graduate student at MIT CTL must complete either a capstone or thesis project as part of their degree. Each of the projects is conducted with a sponsoring company. These are the most recent project sponsored by Dr. Caplice. All of these are available online at D-Space.
Research Publications
Academic Publications
- Acocella, A. & Caplice, C. (2023), “Research on truckload transportation procurement: A review, framework, and future research agenda,” Journal of Business Logistics, 00, 1–29.
- Das, L., A. L. Carrel, C. Caplice (2021), “Pack Size Effects on Retail Store Inventory and Storage Space Needs,” INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 1-30
- Caplice, C. (2021), “Reducing Uncertainty in Freight Transportation Procurement,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Procurement 4 (1), 1-18
- Acocella, A., C. Caplice, Y. Sheffi (2020), “Elephants or Goldfish?: An Empirical Analysis of Carrier Reciprocity in Dynamic Freight Markets,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 142, 102073
- Ponce-Cueto, E. and C. Caplice (2019), “MicroMasters are not Just a Bunch of MOOCs: Lessons from the First MicroMasters Program”, Proceedings of EMOOCS 2019.
- Phadnis, S., C. Caplice and Y. Sheffi (2016), “How Scenario Planning Influences Strategic Decisions,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 57, Iss. 4, (Summer): p. 24-27; Cambridge.
- Phadnis, S., Y. Sheffi, C. Caplice and M. Singh (2017), “Strategic Cognition of Operations Executives,” Production and Operations Management, Vol 26, No.12, pp. 2323-2337.
- Perez-Franco, R., S. Phadnis, C. Caplice and Y. Sheffi (2016), “Rethinking Supply Chain Strategy as a Conceptual System,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 182, pp. 384-396.
- Phadnis, S., C. Caplice, Y. Sheffi and M. Singh (2015), “Effects of Scenario Planning on Field Experts’ Judgment of Long-Range Investment Decisions” Strategic Management Journal, Vol 36, No. 9, pp. 1401-1411.
- Phadnis, S., C. Caplice, M. Singh and Y. Sheffi (2014), “Axiomatic Foundation and a Structured Process for Developing Firm-Specific Intuitive Logics Scenarios”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 88, pp. 122–139.
- Das, L., B. Kalkanci and C. Caplice (2014), “The Impact of Bimodal and Lognormal Distributions in Ocean Transportation Transit Time on Logistics Costs,” Transportation Research Record 2409, pp. 63-73. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies.
- Phadnis, S., R. Perez-Franco, C. Caplice, Y. Sheffi (2013), “Educating Supply Chain Professionals to Work in Global Virtual Teams”, Proceedings of CSCMP Educators’ Conference.
- Caplice, C. and S. Phadnis (2013), “Driving Forces Influencing Future Freight Flows”, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies.
- Parming, V., and C. Caplice (2013), “Competition and Productivity in the U.S. Trucking Industry since Deregulation,” Transportation@MIT’s US Transportation Productivity Study Series.
- Caplice, C. (2007), “Electronic Markets for Truckload Transportation”, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 423-436.
- Caplice, C. and Y. Sheffi (2006), “Combinatorial Auctions for Truckload Transportation,” Chapter 21 in Combinatorial Auctions, Cramton, P., Y. Shoham, and R. Steinberg, editors, MIT Press.
- Caplice, C. and Y. Sheffi (2003), “Optimization Based Procurement for Transportation Services,” The Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.109-128.
- Mahmassani, H. S., S. C. Hatcher and C. G. Caplice (1997), “Daily Variation of Trip Chaining, Scheduling and Path Selection Behaviour of Work Commuters,” in Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change, Stopher, P.R. and M. Lee-Gosselin, editors, 1st edition, Tarrytown, New York: Pergamon: Elsevier Science Inc., p. 351-379.
- Caplice, C. and Y. Sheffi (1995), “Review and Evaluation of Logistics Performance Systems,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-14.
- Caplice, C. and Y. Sheffi (1994), “Review and Evaluation of Logistics Metrics,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 11-29. Received the 1994 Accenture Award.
- Caplice, C. and H. Mahmassani (1992), “Aspects of Commuting Behavior: Preferred Arrival Time, Use of Information, and Switching Propensity,” Transportation Research, Vol. 26A, No. 5, pp. 409-418.
- Mahmassani, H., G. Hatcher, and C. Caplice (1991), “Daily Variation of Trip Chaining, Scheduling, and Path Selection Behaviour of Work Commuters,” Methods for Understanding Travel Behavior in the 1990’s, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Travel Behavior, IATB, Volume 2, Quebec, Canada, pp. 29-45.
- Mahmassani, H., C. Caplice, and C. M. Walton (1990), “Characteristics of Urban Commuter Behavior: Switching Propensity and Use of Information,” Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1285, pp. 57-69.
Business Publications
- Caplice, C. and L. Das L (2017), “How Back-of-Mind Backrooms Rob Retailers of Profits,” CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly, Q3.
- Caplice, C. (2017), “A New Score for Supply Chains,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 13-15.
- Caplice, C. (2015), “Disruptive Innovation in the Classroom,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 6-7.
- Caplice, C. and S. Phadnis (2013), Strategic Issues Facing Transportation, Volume 1: Scenario Planning for Freight Transportation Infrastructure Investment, Washington, D.C. : Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Report 750.
- Caplice, C. and E. Blanco (2013), “The Leadership Challenge: Keeping Pace with the Skills Needed,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 20-27.
- Caplice, C. (2013), “Transportation: The Road Ahead,” CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly, Q1.
- “Exploring the Trade-Off Between Planning and Execution,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Supply Chain Planning Roundtable, Aug. 2012.
- Caplice, C. (2012), “What Makes an Effective Analytics Group?,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 8-9.
- Caplice, C. (2012), “Do You Have the Right Toolkit?,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 16, iss. 6, pp. 8-9.
- Caplice, C. and D. Ryan (2011), “Onsite Relationships: Challenging but Rewarding,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 15, iss. 6, pp. 8-9.
- Caplice, C. (2011), “Three Questions that Define the Leadership Debate,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 10-11.
- “Managing Global Supply Chains – Building End-To-End Reliability,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Oct. 2011.
- “Global Ocean Freight Reliability,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Oct. 2012.
- Blanco, E. and C. Caplice (2008) “Supply Chain Management in the Retail Sector,” Chapter 14 in ICT Futures: Delivering Pervasive, Real-Time and Secure Services, Warren, P., J. Davies, and D. Brown, editors. Wiley Press.
- “Finding Capacity: Short and Long-Term Solutions,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Apr. 2006.
- “Managing Uncertainty in Both Supply and Demand,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, May 2005.
- Caplice, C. (2005), “Time to Take the Lead,” Traffic World, vol. 269, iss. 33, pp. 19-21
- Caplice, C. (2004), “Sharpening the Focus,” Traffic World, vol. 268, iss. 34, pp. 18-19.
- “Focus on Procurement and Management,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Jun. 2004.
Blog Articles
- Caplice, C. (2017), “Finding Synergies through Synchronization,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Sep. 27.
- Das, L. and C. Caplice (2017), “How Back-of-Mind Backrooms Rob Retailers of Profits,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Aug. 3.
- Caplice, C. (2017), “Which Carriers Should You Use?” SupplyChain@MIT website, Jul. 20.
- Das, L. and C. Caplice (2017), “How Back-of-Mind Backrooms Rob Retailers of Profits,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Aug. 3.
- Caplice, C. (2017), “Which Carriers Should You Use?” SupplyChain@MIT website, Jul. 20.
- Caplice, C. (2017), “Picking the Right Supply Chain Design for a Growing Food Business,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Mar. 23.
- Caplice, C. (2017), “3 Loads But Only 2 Trucks: Which Load is Left Behind?” SupplyChain@MIT website, Feb. 17.
- Caplice, C. (2015), “The Myth of a Single Market Truckload Rate: Part 2,” SupplyChain@MIT website, May 7.
- Caplice, C. (2015), “The Myth of a Single Market Truckload Rate: Part 1,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Ap. 30.
- Caplice, C. (2014), “Accept or Reject Truckloads?” SupplyChain@MIT website, Sep 11
- Caplice, C. (2014), “Building a New Consensus on Infrastructure?” SupplyChain@MIT website, Jul. 31.
- Caplice, C. (2014), “Solving Franklin’s Freight Dilemma: Cure or Prevent Disruptions?” SupplyChain@MIT website, May 1.
- Caplice, C. (2014), “Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Decentralization of Production,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Mar. 13.
- Caplice, C. (2014), “Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Digitization of Products,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Jan. 30.
- Caplice, C. (2014), “Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Diversification of Sales Channels,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Jan. 16.
- Caplice, C. (2014), “Impact of Macro Trends on Supply Chains: Densification,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Jan. 2.
- Caplice, C. (2013), “Help Us Build a Global Classroom for Supply Chain Talent,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Sep. 26.
- Caplice, C. (2013), “4 Trends That Could Redefine Distribution in the US,” SupplyChain@MIT website, Aug. 8.
Selected Talks & Lectures
Several talks have been recorded and can be accessed in the playlist below.
- October 2021: “How Data Science is Transforming Freight Transportation”, CSCMP EDGE 2021 Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition, Atlanta, GA.
- March 2019: “Making Sense of an Uncertain Future,” Keynote Logistics summit, Mexico City, Mexico.
- October 2018: “Disrupting Transportation Procurement”, Uber Freight Summit, San Francisco, CA.
- June 2018, “Technology Uncertainty Impact on Global Trade,” Keynote presentation at 4th Maritime Silk Road Port International Cooperation Forum, Ningbo China.
- February 2018: “Making Sense of an Uncertain Future,” Luxemburg Center for Logistics, eXplore Conference, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- December 2017: “An Experiment in Blended Learning: Lessons from the First MicroMasters,” 2017 edX Global Forum: Amplifying Innovation, University of British Columbia, Whistler, British Columbia.
- November 2017: “Educating Online for Supply Chain Management,” Operations Faculty Group, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
- October 2017: “Bridging Logistics Education to the NextGen,” International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- December 2016: “Mega-Trends in Transportation and Supply Chain Management,” presented to TRB Committee on Future of Interstate Highway System, Washington, DC.
- November 2016: “Future Freight Flows,” Uber Freight Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- October 2016: “Disrupting the Dominant Design in Distribution,” Supply Chain Forum, The Center for Operational Excellence, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
- September 2016: “Cannibalizing Ourselves Before Others Eat Us: MOOCs at MIT CTL”, CSCMP 2016 Educator’s Conference, Orlando, FL.
- September 2015: “Trends in Transportation”, Wall Street Journal Mid-Market Network Conference, Washington, DC.
- September 2015: “Searching for the Holy Grail: Level of Service and Cost”, CH Robinson TMC Client Conference, Chicago, IL.
- March 2015: “Looking Forward: Preparing for the Future”, 15th TPM Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- March 2015: “CTL.SCx and the Future of Learning”, MIT CTL – Crossroads Conference, Cambridge, MA.
- October 2013: “Disrupting the Dominant Design of Distribution”, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- June 2013: “Forty Years of Innovation at CTL”, MIT CTL – Crossroads Conference, Cambridge, MA.
- May 2013: “Overview of Demand Issues & Facilitation”, City Logistics Research: Trans-Atlantic Perspective EU-U.S. Transportation Research Symposium No. 1, Washington, DC, MA.
- May 2013: “Disrupting the Dominant Design of Distribution”, Manhattan Associates: Momentum Conference, Las Vega, NV.
- January 2013: “Supply Chain Trends & Scenario Planning”, AB InBev – “Beyond Procurement”, Cambridge, MA.
- August 2012: “Future Planning Techniques & Tools”, United Nations Department of Field Services, Cambridge, MA.
- June 2012: “Supply Chain Resilience Evaluation and Mitigation – Workshop”, Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- October 2011: “Measuring Reliability in Ocean Transportation”, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, Philadelphia, PA.
- January 2011: “Scenario Planning for Future Freight Flows”, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- September 2010: “Using Model Based Benchmarking Metrics in Truckload Transportation”, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, San Diego, CA.
- June 2010: “Minding the Gap: Connecting Planning to Operations in Transportation Management”, Oracle – Shipper Symposium, Philadelphia, PA.
- May 2010: “Future Freight Flows: Transportation Challenges”, Kansas City CSCMP Roundtable, Kansas City, MO., and Transplace – Shipper Forum, Phoenix, AZ.
- April 2010: “Transportation Procurement Strategies”, Institute for Supply Management, San Diego, CA.
- April 2010: “The Future of Transportation: Challenges and Recommendations”, TRANSCOM Pacific Command, Honolulu, HI.
- November 2009: “The Future of Transportation: Challenges and Recommendations”, TRANSCOM Europe Command, Bad Durkheim, FRG.
- May 2009: “The Future of Transportation: Challenges and Recommendations”, Supply Chain Leaders in Action, Orlando, FL.
- May 2010: “The Future of Transportation: Challenges and Recommendations”, Transplace – Shipper Forum, Dallas, TX.
- Mar 2009: “Best Practices in Transportation”, Food Shippers Association, Tucson, AZ.
- September 2008: “Future Challenges in Supply Chain Management”, AT Kearney Annual Procurement Conference, Washington DC.
- May 2008: “Future Challenges in Transportation”, WERC, Chicago, IL.
- May 2008: “Uncertainty in Supply Chain & Sustainability”, IBM, Cambridge, MA
- May 2004: ” Combinatorial Auctions for Transportation Procurement: Connecting Theory and Practice”, INFORMS, Banff, Canada.
- January 2004: “Transportation Management and Mode Selection Judge Institute of Management”, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.
- May 2003: “Transportation Portfolio Management”, Delaware Valley Council of Logistics Management, Philadelphia, PA.
- May 2001: “Combinatorial Auctions for Transportation”, INFORMS, La Jolla, CA.
- December 2000: “Combinatorial Auctions in Practice”, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, MN.
- October 2000: “The Internet as a Transportation Collaboration Tool”, New York Council of Logistics Management, New York, NY
- July 2000: “Digital Marketplaces”, University of Virginia Darden School of Business, Charlottesville, VA.
- June 2000: “Digital Transportation Marketplaces”, The Logistics Institute at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA.
- October 1998: “Managing the Shipper-Carrier Interface”, Council of Logistics Management, Anaheim, CA.
- March 1996: “Analysis of Performance Measures and Measurement Systems”, University of North Florida, Pointe Verde, FL.
- Oct 1995: “Optimization of the Carrier Assignment Process”, Council of Logistics Management, San Diego, CA.
Memoranda and Progress Reports
- “Voice of the Customer,” OnProcess Research Reports – initial, interim, and final project reports, Jul. 2015 – Dec. 2016.
- “Local Routing for Beer Distribution,” Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV. Initial, interim, and final project reports, Feb. 2015 – Jun. 2015.
- “Customer Promotion Collaboration,” P&G and MIT CTL Research Project, Initial, interim, and final project reports, Sep. 2014 – Aug. 2015.
- “Living Plan Test Bed Final Report,” Lincoln Labs and MIT CTL Internal Report, Sep. 2014.
- “Brewer of the Future,” Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV. Initial, interim, and final project reports, Dec. 2013 – Oct. 2014.
- “Optimal Back of House Allocation,” Starbucks and MIT CTL Research Project, Initial, interim, and final project reports, Sep. 2013 – Aug. 2017.
- “Supply Chain Design for Reduced Vulnerability,” Internal MIT CTL Research Report, July 2013.
- “Freight Trucking Productivity Analysis,” Transportation@MIT Initiative Internal paper. Jul. 2013.
- “Carrier Fuel Surcharge Analysis and Zero-Peg Programs,” McDonald’s Academic Advisory Board, Mar. 2013.
- “Global Ocean Freight Reliability,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Oct. 2012.
- “Exploring the Trade-Off Between Planning and Execution,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Supply Chain Planning Roundtable, Aug. 2012.
- “Carbon Footprint of Supply Chains: A Scoping Study,” NCFRP 36 (04) . Initial, interim, and final project reports, Jun. 2012 – May 2013.
- “Managing Global Supply Chains – Building End-To-End Reliability,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Oct. 2011.
- “Future Freight Flows Project,” NCHRP 20-83(1). Initial, interim, and final project reports, Jun. 2011 – Aug 2012.
- “Freight Network Balance Models,” WalMart Stores and MIT CTL Research Reports – initial, interim, and final, Dec. 2011.
- “Global Ocean Transportation Project,” Ford Motor Company. Initial, interim, and final project reports, Sep. 2010 – Jun. 2011.
- “State of Less-Than-Truckload Transportation,” Chainalytics, Annual Reports Sep. 2010 – Sep. 2017.
- “Initial Risk Management Analysis,” IPC Subway Stores and MIT CTL Research Report Aug. 2008.
- “Optimal Transportation Portfolio Management at Walmart Stores,” WalMart Stores and MIT CTL Research Reports – initial, interim, and final, Feb 2008 – June 2010.
- “Freight Systems Resilience,” Washington State Department of Transportation and MIT CTL Research reports – initial, interim, and final, Dec. 2006 to Aug. 2007.
- “Finding Capacity: Short and Long-Term Solutions,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Apr. 2006.
- “State of Truckload Transportation,” Chainalytics, Semi-Annual Reports Sep. 2005 – Jul. 2018.
- “Managing Uncertainty in Both Supply and Demand,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, May 2005.
- “Focus on Procurement and Management,” MIT CTL Internal Report, Innovations in Transportation Roundtable, Jun. 2004.
- “Comprehensive Analysis of the Guaranteed Traffic Program within the Defense Logistics Agency,” Defense Logistics Agency and MTMC. Initial, interim, and final project reports, Aug. 1997 – Apr. 1998.
Other Major Publications
- Caplice, C. and L. Das (2017), “How back-of-mind backrooms rob retailers of profits,” CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly, Q3.
- Caplice, C. (2017), “A New Score for Supply Chains,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 13-15.
- Caplice, C. (2015), “Disruptive Innovation in the Classroom,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 6-7.
- Caplice, C. and S. Phadnis (2013), “Strategic Issues Facing Transportation,” Volume 1: “Scenario Planning for Freight Transportation Infrastructure Investment,” Washington, D.C. : Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Report 750.
- Parming, V., and C. Caplice (2013), “Competition and Productivity in the U.S. Trucking Industry since Deregulation,” Transportation@MIT’s US Transportation Productivity Study Series.
- Caplice, C. and E. Blanco (2013), “The leadership challenge: keeping pace with the skills needed,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 20-27.
- Caplice, C. (2013), “Transportation: The Road Ahead,” CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly, Q1.
- Caplice, C. (2012), “What Makes an Effective Analytics Group?,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 8-9.
- Caplice, C. (2012), “Do You Have the Right Toolkit?,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 16, iss. 6, pp. 8-9.
- Caplice, C. and D. Ryan (2011), “Onsite Relationships: Challenging but Rewarding,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 15, iss. 6, pp. 8-9.
- Caplice, C. (2011), “Three Questions that Define the Leadership Debate,” Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 10-11.
- Blanco, E. and C. Caplice (2008), “Supply Chain Management in the Retail Sector,” Chapter 14 in ICT Futures: Delivering Pervasive, Real-Time and Secure Services, Warren, P., J. Davies, and D. Brown, editors. Wiley Press.
- Caplice, C. and Y. Sheffi (2006), “Combinatorial Auctions for Truckload Transportation,” Chapter 21 in Combinatorial Auctions, Cramton, P., Y. Shoham, and R. Steinberg, editors. MIT Press.
- Caplice, C. (2005), “Time to Take the Lead,” Traffic World, vol. 269, iss. 33, pp. 19-21
- Caplice, C. (2004), “Sharpening the Focus,” Traffic World, vol. 268, iss. 34, pp. 18-19.
- Mahmassani, H. S., S. C. Hatcher and C. Caplice (1997), “Daily Variation of Trip Chaining, Scheduling and Path Selection Behaviour of Work Commuters,” in Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change, Stopher, P. R. and M. Lee-Gosselin, editors. 1st edition. Tarrytown, New York: Pergamon: Elsevier Science Inc., p. 351-379.
Supervised Student Research Papers
Full copies of these theses and capstone projects can be found online at the MIT D-Space site. Simply search for the authors’ names.
- Leora Sauter, Michelle Roy, “Diving Deep into the Determinants of Driver Dwell,” June 2021.
- Alex Miller, Yu Xuan Liu, “Should Shippers Be Afraid of Ghost Freight? An Empirical Analysis of a Customer Portfolio from TMC, a Div. of C.H. Robinson,” June 2021.
- Aidar Darmesh, Ramon Mantellini, “Maximizing Profits in a Warehouse and Distribution Business Using Segmentation Analysis,” June 2021.
- Kawin Jungsakulrujirek, Saad Bin Rehan, “Defining and Detecting Churn in Truckload Transportation,” June 2021.
- Shradda Sudipta Rana, “Applying Neural Networks for Short Range Transportation Rate Forecasts,” SM in CEE, June 2019.
- Erik Michael Hamilton, “Underlying Root Causes of Army Operational Readiness, SM in IDSS, December 2018.
- Das, Lita, “Impact of Back of Store on Supply Chains in Retail Stores,” PhD in ESD, expected August 2018 (co-supervised with and chaired by Yossi Sheffi).
- Bai, Xiwen, “Forecasting Transportation Rates for Short Ranges,” June 2018.
- Yau, Darryl, “Supply Chain Visibility and Closing the Planning and Execution Gap,” June 2018.
- Harshvardan, H., “Use of Blockchain in Ocean Shipping Contracts,” expected June 2018.
- Huang, Tianshu,; Serrano, María Bernarda, “Intermodal variability and optimal mode selection,” June 2017.
- Andleigh, Priya; Bullock, Jeffrey Scott, “Balancing product flow and synchronizing transportation,” June 2017.
- Bleggi, Caroline C; Zhou, Frederick, “A study of freight performance and carrier strategy,” 2017.
- Beyer, Carrie Austin, “Optimizing shipping pricing on on build to order notebooks to US consumers across customer experience, profitability and working capital”, SM in ME, June 2017.
- Kim, Yoo Joon, “Dynamic ship assignment problem with uncertain demands,” SM in CE, June 2016.
- Phadnis, Shardul, “Influencing managerial cognition and decisions using scenarios for long-range planning,” PhD in ESD, June 2012. (co-supervised with and chaired by Yossi Sheffi).
- Khamsi, Cyril; Stolear, Veronica, “Efficient supply chain design for highly-perishable foods,” June 2016.
- Chen, Xiaojia (Xiaojia Amy); Tsai Yang, Shang Lin, “Multi-stop trucking : a study on cost and carrier acceptance,” June 2016
- Rassey, Richard Koury; Zheng, Yong, “Prioritizing inbound transportation,” June 2016.
- Amiryan, Nane; Bhattacharjee, Sharmistha, “Relationship between price and performance : an analysis of the US trucking market,” June 2015.
- Barooah, Mayurpankhi; Shin, Seung Hwan, “Optimal Multi-Temperature delivery frequency for small format stores,” June 2015.
- Kalenderski, Asen; Sanivarapu, Satya, “Measurement and evaluation of retail promotions,” June 2015.
- Thoma, Andrew Joseph, “Hybrid Make-to-Stock, Make-to-Order (MTS-MTO) production optimization and predictive manufacturing plan,” SM in IDSS, June 2016.
- Chua, Shui Ying, “Robust network design,” SM in CEE, June 2015.
- Cummings, Charles, “Improving the inbound supply chain through dynamic pickup windows,” SM in ME, June 2014.
- Truong, Gold, “Forecasting linehaul transit times & on time delivery probability using quantile regression forests,” SM in ME, June 2014.
- Lee, Bin Hong Alex, “Empty container logistics optimization: an implementation framework and methods,” SM in ESD, June 2014
- Bolton, Jennifer Sarah, “Using lead time data to identify cost saving opportunities in an automotive supply chain: inventory safety stock and trucking carrier pool,” SM in CEE, June 2014
- Leopando, Paul; Rocca, Kyle, “Carrier strategies in the spot trucking market,” June 2014.
- Panditrao, Amit; Adiraju, Kishore, “Strategy for direct to store delivery,” June 2014.
- Nisar, Hiral; Rosenzweig, Joshua, “Real-time order acceptance in transportation under uncertainty,” June 2014.
- Das, Lita, “The impact of bimodal distribution in ocean transportation transit time on logistics costs: an empirical & theoretical analysis,” SM in ESD, June 2013.
- Parming, Veiko Paul, “Productivity and competition in the U.S. trucking industry since deregulation,” SM in CEE, June 2013.
- Scipio, Sophia, “Strategic sourcing in a direct import supply chain with increasing globalization trends while mitigating risk,” SM in ME, June 2013.
- Oti, Olufemi, “Hub and spoke network design for the inbound supply chain,” SM in ESD, June 2013.
- Unahalekhaka, Atikhun, “An analysis of robustness and flexibility in freight transportation systems,” SM in ESD, June 2013.
- Kim, Yoo Joon, “Analysis of truckload prices and rejection rates,” June 2013.
- Bignell, Andrew, “Characteristics of spot-market rate indexes for truckload transportation,” June 2013.
- Taherian, Homayoun, “Outbound transportation collaboration- Do It Yourself (DIY),: June 2013.
- Kafarski, Lukasz; Caruso, David Allen, “Effects of truckload freight assignment methods on carrier capacity and pricing,” June 2012.
- Fernandez, Jose A.; Okafor, Henry, “Modeling the impact of complexity on transportation,” June 2012.
- Ball, Braden, “Simulation as a Method for Determining Inventory Classifications for allocation,” SM in ESD, June 2012.
- Riechel, Patrick, “A phased approach to distribution network optimization given incremental supply chain change,” SM in ESD, June 2012.
- Ng, Chong, “Inbound supply chain optimization and process improvement,” SM in ESD, June 2012.
- Abramson, Molly; Sawant, Ajit, “Impact of risk sharing on competitive bidding in truckload transportation,” June 2012.
- Huang, Jefferson, “Piecewise truckload network procurement,” SM in CEE, June 2011.
- Sandhu, Kuldip, “Improving work flow management in an order fulfillment organization,” SM in ESD, June 2011.
- Wessels, Steven, “Improving inventory and distribution in an aerospace parts and service organization,” SM in ESD, June 2011.
- Sánchez-Valero, Miguel Ángel, “Merging qualitative and quantitative criteria for freight investment using scenario planning,” SM in CEE, June 2011.
- Wible, David, “Methods for extension of ground shipment windows through a supplier collaboration initiative,” SM in ESD, June 2011.
- Anand, Sunil,; Song, Xiaobei, “Supply chain responsiveness for a large retailer,” June 2011.
- Kanteti, Madhavi; Levine, Jordan, “Risk sharing in contracts : the use of fuel surcharge programs,” June 2011.
- Collins, Julia M.; Quinlan, R. Ryan, “The impact of bidding aggregation levels on truckload rates,” June 2010.
- Jearasatit, Apichart, “Using a total landed cost model to foster global logistics strategy in the electronics industry,” June 2010.
- Shehadi, Charles A., III; Witalec, Michael How to utilize hedging and a fuel surcharge program to stabilize the cost of fuel,” June 2010.
- Sekar, Swaminathan, “Developing a framework for global distribution in the biopharmaceutical industry,” SM in EECS, June 2010.
- Lokhandwala, Ahmedali, “Analysis of demand variability and robustness in strategic transportation planning,” SM in CEE, June 2010.
- Verdugo, Orietta Parra, “Coordination of inventory distribution & price markdowns for clearance sales at Zara,” SM in ESD, June 2010.
- Uriarte, Daniel Antonio, “Developing a framework for dependable demand forecasts in the consumer packaged goods industry,” SM in ESD, June 2010.
- Iliadis, Christodoulos, “Can we improve the freight network solutions of a large retailer by using probability distributions to model demand?” SM in CEE, June 2009.
- Gupte, Kanay, “Impact of retail sales and outsourced manufacturing on a build-to-order supply chain,” SM in EECS, June 2009
- Hu, Shiyin, “Estimation of economic impact of freight distribution due to highway closure,” SM in CEE, June 2008.
- Castro Izaguirre, Carlo Gustavo, “Strategies for cost reduction in procuring trucking services,” June 2009.
- Tsu, John; Agarwal, Mayank, “Use of transportation relays to improve private fleet management,” June 2009.
- Nnadili, Christopher Dozie, “Floating offshore wind farms : demand planning & logistical challenges of electricity generation,” June 2009.
- Garza Ramírez, Jaime; Suryanarayanan, Subramanian Mambakkam, “Measuring the value of a responsive supply network,” June 2009.
- Andrews, Suzanne L. D., “A classification of carbon footprint methods used by companies,” June 2009.
- Foreman, James Sterling, “Reducing transportation costs and inventory shrinkage in the Washington State tree fruit industry,” June 2009.
- Liu, Saiqi (Cindy), “Analyzing the level of service and cost trade-offs in cold chain transportation,” June 2009.
- Ortiz Duran, Sebastian; Hawks, Richard, “Analysis of an international distribution hub for fast moving consumer goods,” June 2009.
- Stanton, Daniel, “The impact of assured supply inventory policies,” June 2008.
- Li, Chunlin, “Framework for selection of distribution strategies,” June 2008.
- Sohn, Tae-Hee; Rangavittal, Guruprakash, “The impact and dynamics of centralization in supply chain decision-making,” June 2008.
- Li, Nan; Zhang, Guangha, “Analysis and cost versus reliability in a multi-echelon supply chain for a chemical plant,” June 2008.
- Gupta, Hitesh, “Network design and safety stock placement for a multi-echelon supply chain,” June 2008.
- Lee, Gil Su, “The impact of “Never Run Out” policy assured supply chain with dual reorder point expediting,” June 2008.
- Caldwell, Erik R.; Fisher, Bryan C, “The impact of lead time on truckload transportation rates,” June 2008.
- Usman, Khalid, “Determination of drivers of stock-out performance of retail stores using data mining techniques,” June 2008.
- Iyer, Harikumar; Prasad, Saurabh, “Statistical process control approach to reduce the bullwhip effect,” June 2007.
- Doucakis, Theodore, “Study of supply chain disruptions at a high tech corporation,” June 2007
- Banerjee, Anindya, M.; Noguer, José Luis, “Biofuels supply chain characterization,” June 2007.
- Ramos, Gregg, “Reducing preventable adverse drug events in hospital settings,” June 2007.
- Merrill, Joshua Matthew, “Managing risk in premium fruit and vegetable supply chains,” June 2007.
- Kuai, Jiaqi (Phillip), “Who stocks the shelf?: an analysis of retail replenishment strategies,” June 2007.
- Kight, Jeffrey, “Forward buying of non-commodity consumer goods,” June 2007.
- Lee, Tae Whee; Po, Ronald, “Optimizing the use of dedicated and contract transportation assets to maximize total system profit,” June 2007.
- Yang, Xiaowen, “Choosing transportation alternatives for highly perishable goods : a case study on nuclear medicine,” June 2006.
- Fang, Yi, M., “Inbound freight consolidation for US manufacturers at China,” June 2006.
- See, Ying-Lai; Namkoong, Jin, “Impact of product complexity on inventory levels,” June 2006.
- Bourassa, P. Louis, “Choosing transportation alternatives for highly perishable goods,” June 2006.
- Kurapov, Herman Alex, “Analysis of supplier involvement in new product development and launch,” June 2006.
- Mulqueen, Michael Jay, “Creating transportation policy in a network that utilizes both contract carriers and an internally managed fleet,” June 2006.
- Jan, Paul Jenq-Haw, “Tailored hospital supply chain for greater return on investment,” June 2006.
- Harding, Matthew James, “Can shippers and carriers benefit from more robust transportation planning methodologies?” June 2005.
- Fike, Randy L., “Supply chain risk management: (redefining the audit function within a large industrial company),” June 2005.
- Pálsson, Sigurjón, “Creating value from uncertainty: a study of ocean transportation contracting,” June 2005.
- Reddy, Harry, “Financial supply chain dynamics : operational risk management and RFID technologies,” June 2005.
- Ha, Wei-Kwan Benjamin, “Designing a flexible supply chain for new product launch,” June 2005.
- Chiu, Yu-Yen, “An analysis of international transportation network,” June 2005.
- Arad, Ron, “Sterilization resource forecasting in the medical devices industry,” June 2005.
- Kerslake, Christopher Wayne, “A method for analyzing the delivery frequency from a distribution center to a retail grocery store,” June 2005.
- Shen, Victoria, “VMI vs. order based fulfillment,” June 2005.
- Mei, Qiang Rose, “RFID impact in supply chain: innovation in demand planning and customer fulfillment,” June 2004.
- Tay, Ee Learn, “A real options approach to manage flexible contracts in the telecommunication networking industry,” June 2004.
- Zhelev, Georgi Zhelev, “Flexibility in transportation procurement: a real options approach,” June 2004.
- Luo, Manqin, “Logistics barriers for multinational corporations doing business in China,” June 2004
- Chou, Chih-Fen, “Development of a comprehensive supply chain performance measurement system : a case study in the grocery retail industry,” June 2004.
- Li, Jinfan, “An analysis of reverse logistics technology and service for hi-tech industry,” June 2004.
- Dong, Xiaoqin, “Improving efficiency in product and process development: a case study on a consumer products creation process,” June 2004.
- Guitton, Antoine, “The value of RFID in transportation: from greater operational efficiency to collaborative transportation management,” June 2004.
- Xu, Zhiyu, “Two approaches to buffer management under demand uncertainty: an analytical process,” June 2004.
- Kaga, Akihiro, “Application of real options to reverse logistics process,” June 2004
- Ranjan, Madhu; Tonui, Richard, “Third party logistics: an analysis of the feasibility and contexts of strategic relationships,” June 2004.
Conferences & Talks
Trucking Market Dynamics: Insights from Chris Caplice and Angi Acocella
Chris Caplice and Angi Acocella discuss the complexities of the freight industry on The Matt Waller Podcast.
Logistics Trends and Tips for 2024 With Chris Caplice From MIT | Unboxing Logistics Ep. 18
Dr. Chris Caplice discusses his predictions for 2024 in the supply chain industry with Unboxing Logistics’ host Lori Boyer.
The Ever Evolving Truckload Transportation Market | Dr. Chris Caplice and SupplyChainBrain
The Ever-Evolving State of the Truckload Market – Dr. Chris Caplice in conversation with Bob Bowman, Editor-In-Chief of SupplyChainBrain at the May 2023 Gartner Supply Chain Symposium|Xpo....
Dr. Chris Caplice at CSCMP Edge 2022 Conference
Dr. Chris Caplice's September 20, 2022, Town Hall Series presentation entitled What You Wish Your CEO Knew about Truckload Freight. He discusses the most common misunderstandings CEOs without transportation backgrounds have concerning truckload transportation and why...
The Impact of Data Science on Freight Transportation Procurement
Dr. Chris Caplice discusses data science applications in freight transportation procurement on the MIT Mobility Initiative Channel.
MIT Horizon Technology 2021 Year in Review
Dr. Chris Caplice describes the impact that the latest technology trends and emerging technologies had in 2021 on global supply chains in consumer, business, and government settings during the challenging conditions wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic....
CSCMP Edge 2021 Conference
MIT CTL’s Chris Caplice spoke on Sept 21, 2021 at the 2021 CSCMP Edge Conference on How Data Science is Transforming Freight Transportation.
Chris Caplice on FreightLab
The MIT Freight lab mission is to drive innovation into the freight transportation industry in order to reduce cost, minimize risk, and increase level of service.
Mexico Logistics Summit 2019
Dr. Chris Caplice spoke at the 2019 Mexico Logistics Summit on the future of logistics and transportation.
UberFreight Summit 2018
Chris’s talk, Disrupting the Dominant Design of Transportation Procurement covers four major components.